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José Madeira
Fale Conosco

Avast Antivirus Review

Avast is among the most popular antivirus brands in the world. It gives you a comprehensive suite of tools, including antivirus, phishing cover, webcam secureness, password supervisor, and a firewall.

A fantastic free type with more operation than most

The latest cost-free version of Avast comes with all of the features you need to keep your PC safe from trojans, viruses, and more. It also consists of a password manager, URL filtering, and a network reader to help you avoid malevolent downloads and unsafe sites.

It traps all the common threats that other antiviruses miss, such as out-of-date software, malicious internet browser add-ons, and rogue network connections. Avast can also identify more simple vulnerabilities, including weak accounts, unprotected data files, and at risk network slots.

AV-Comparatives studies in September 2018 observed it wedge 99. 6th percent of malware with only one bogus positive, earning that a three-star rating and an Advanced+ score. Avast’s latest February-May 2021 brief summary report, carried out by AV-Comparatives, also attained it a great Asvanced+ Spyware Protecton award.

In addition to its spy ware detection capacities, Avast also catches and removes all types of viruses. It lets you do this by sending suspicious files into a virus lab in the cloud, which automatically notifies almost all Avast users of any adware and spyware it has observed.

Anti-phishing support

Avast also has an excellent phishing detection program, which protects against sites that duplicate bank login screens and social websites profiles. These are the most common varieties of phishing scratches, so this is a valuable feature.

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